When you you are setting your mailing adress in Germany in e-shops like eBay, Amazon etc., it is necessary to follow up on some rules. DHL Deutsche Post wants the deliveries, which are coming to the storehouse, to have in the first line the delivery place Mailboxde.com. The standard formular from a regular e-shop could look for example like this:
Firmenname: Mailboxde.com GmbH
Zeile 2: ID .... (... = Vaše číslo)
Zeile 3: nechte prázdné
Vorname: Vaše jméno
Nachname: Vaše příjmení
Strasse: Äussere Weberstr. 57
Postleitzahl: 02763
Stadt: Zittau
Land: Deutschland
Bundesland/Kanton: Sachsen
But e.g. on eBay.de it is needed to proceed in a little bit different way, so that you can achieve the required adress:
Mein eBay > Mitgliedskonto > Adressen > Bevorzugte Lieferadresse > Ändern (or Neue Adressen hinzufügen) > Land oder Region: Deutschland > Name der Kontaktperson: Mailboxde.com GmbH > Straße: Name Surname (or name company name), ID ... > till the field Straße (Teil 2) write: Äussere Weberstr. 57 > Postleitzahl: 02763, Ort: Zittau > I recommend to click on: Diese Adresse als meine Standardlieferadresse verwenden.
On Amazon.de like this:
Mein Konto > Einstellungen: Neue Adresse hinzufügen > POZOR: In the 1. line have to be the name Mailboxde.com, that´s why it´s needed to be solved this way > Vor- und Nachname: Mailboxde.com GmbH > Firmenname: Name Surname (or company name), ID ... > Straße und Hausnummer: Äussere Weberstr. 57 > Stadt: Zittau > Bundesland/Kanton: Sachsen (compulsory) > Postleitzahl: 02763 > Land: Deutschland > Telefonnummer für Rückfragen: Your telephone number with the dialling code (eg. +420).
It is necessary that the structure of your address looks approximately like this:
Mailboxde.com GmbH
Name Surname (or company name), ID ... (... = Your box number)
Dresdner Str. 9
02763 Zittau
It should be ok, even if you couldn´t state Mailboxde.com GmbH in the first line, just make sure it is written somewhere in the address.