Friday, 17 June 2011

Where to buy books in Germany

I tried out some different portals for buying books and has always proved to be the right one for me. A few times before I also tried to order some books on, where the books are often the cheapest in the whole EU (one can get a 5% cashback discount thanks to the registration at iGraal),  I just wouldn´t recomend you to order books which are meant as a gift or purchase them for resale. Because the books are wrapped in a bubble envelope and sometimes are the cornes scraped due to the transportation and also the delivery time is around 10 days. Amazone packes the books thoughtfully, they have them in stock and the delivery time is around 1 - 3 working days (you have to make sure that your seller is really Amazone). Books meant for resale and already packed in a box without logo (so you don´t have to buy another wrapping or box etc.) can be bought on But you have to make sure, that they have the book in stock, in other case is the delivery time relatively long. Books are the most frequent article, which I purchase in Germany...

If you need to find out, which book is the cheapest in the world (new or old), then I recomend you this website, where you can compare them:

The manual for making your own, almost for free, book cover is shown here: The best way to break the cardboard is to break it in the right direction (if possible, not perpendicular to the lateral offsets board) and cut it by a steel ruler with a snap-off knife.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

How does Amazon send off deliveries from Leipzig

We receive deliveries from Amazon everyday, which are often perfectly wrapped up (with exceptions) and I was quite curious how does the production of those deliveries in their "factory" work. E.g. this is the center in Leipzig, where they send off deliveries for their regular dealers, who are selling on Amazon.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Websites for tracking deliveries

You can see some links below, which allows you to keep track of your delivery, that you are expecting to come. It is necessary to know the tracking number (often marked as Paketscheinnr., Referenznr., Sendungsnr., Trackingnr., Kontrollnr., Tracking ID, Sendungsverfolgung, etc.)
Recorded delivery mail (RR) can´t be tracked, Recorded package (BA) yes.

This is how the received delivery from 3. 6. 2011 from Hermes looks like: