Friday, 13 January 2012

Sending the reader Amazon Kindle as a gift

In the previous article about the reader´s parameters I wrote a recommendation for those, which want to give Kindle as a present to someone else, they should recieve it at their own adress first. If you want to save up some money on the postage or to speed up the whole process with your personal message included and without the invoice attached to it and also your registration (Amazon can automatically load it into your Kindle when you send it), here is the instruction manual:

You can can label your Kindle before buying it as Geschenk (gift) and Amazon will know, that the reader is meant to be sent in a umarked box and without the invoice. There is no extra charge for this kind of service, when you won´t demand it to be wrapped up in a gift pape. The pictures are attached below: 

Assisted purchase are always done this way because of the deregistration of the Amazon-Kindle account (you will register at it, after you recieve your reader).