Not long ago we received a quite interesting information which could make our life again somehow a little bit easier. I got this information through nobody else but
UPS (one of the world's largest package delivery company and we could say a leading global
provider of specialized transportation and logistic services).
The year 2016 is said to be a big step forward for the limits of shipping from the U.S. This change in law is said to take effect in March 2016. This great change will in fact be a great oppurtunity for small- and medium-sized companies. The whole importing process from the U.S. will be faster and cheaper. What´s there to say about that right?
Till this day were de minimis amount adjusted to 200 Dollars per shipment this was held since 1993. Today it is 800 Dollars per shipment. According to these numbers we can say it´s four times the previous amount. This speaks for itself.
"De minimis"
Now let me explain how we could understand what the minimis are and what kind of impacts can they do. Firstly "de minimis" is a term which tells us what is the minimum dollar value (in this case it is 800 Dollars per shipment) of goods bellow which no formal costums procedures are needed. This will save us from many timeconsuming things, just as the never ending paperwork or recordkeeping. The goods will arrive faster and we then could lower the costs to serve customers in the U.S. Each process in the range of 800 Dollars is absolutely duty- and taxfree which brings us back to the previous mentioned impacts on the process of shipping to the final offer of the goods.
Posted by Čanka